BMX Track

Krustkalna street 5, Ventspils

One of the most advanced BMX tracks in Latvia is located in Ventspils Adventure Park. This BMX track, comprising of numerous trampolines and curves of diverse complexity, is created to ensure the possibility of the most objective evaluation of sports skills demonstrated during competitions. BMX track is suitable for international BMX competitions – European Championships and Cup Tournaments.

In 2015, during reconstruction of the track, the start hill was heightened to 5m. By heightening the start hill and extending the finish zone, the total length of the track was increased by 10m, presently reaching 368m. The track consists of two straights for 8 sportsmen riding on one straight at a time.

BMX track is supplemented with tiers of 400 seats, which are built on a special platform, at the same time protecting BMX riders against wind.

In 2019, a new BMX service building was opened on the BMX track in the Adventure Park. It is a module-type structure, comprising 20 lockers for boys and 4 lockers for girls, toilets and showers. The building is suitable also for people with special needs. In the service building there are also inventory storage premises, repair workshop and room for referees and judges on the second floor of the building.